Build Your Website with Young Hosting

Build Your Website with Young Hosting

cPanel Starter

Number of websites - 1
Storage - 2GB SSD
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email Accounts - 2
Sub Domains - 1
mySQL Databases - 1
Script Installer - Softaculous
Free Domain - No
Free Migration - Yes
Free Website Builder - Yes
Free SSL Certificate - Yes
cPanel (Control Panel) - Yes

cPanel Basic

Number of websites - 1
Storage - 30GB SSD
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email Accounts - 10
Sub Domains - 5
mySQL Databases - 5
Script Installer - Softaculous
Free Domain - No
Free Migration - Yes
Free Website Builder - Yes
Free SSL Certificate - Yes
cPanel (Control Panel) - Yes

cPanel Enterprise

Number of websites - 5
Storage - 120GB SSD
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email Accounts - 100
Sub Domains - 15
mySQL Databases - 15
Script Installer - Softaculous
Free Domain - No
Free Migration - Yes
Free Website Builder - Yes
Free SSL Certificate - Yes
cPanel (Control Panel) - Yes

cPanel Business

Number of websites - 10
Storage - 300GB SSD
Bandwidth - Unlimited
Email Accounts - Unlimited
Sub Domains - 50
mySQL Databases - 50
Script Installer - Softaculous
Free Domain - Yes (
Free Migration - Yes
Free Website Builder - Yes
Free SSL Certificate - Yes
cPanel (Control Panel) - Yes

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